Baby Metroid
Metroids are deadly aliens that are capable of draining a person's vital energy in a matter of seconds. After foiling a plot by the evil space pirates to weaponize them, Samus Aran sets out on a mission to eradicate the Metroid threat once and for all. Deep within their home planet of SR388, Samus hunts down and exterminates every Metroid she can find and even destroys the fearsome Metroid queen!
As she is leaving, she comes across an intact egg and before she has a chance to destroy it… it hatches! Instead of attacking her, the baby Metroid imprints on her and follows her around like a small child following its mother. Samus decides to take the baby to the galactic federation in the hopes that their scientists can study it.
With this printable template, you can create your own baby Metroid out of paper. The easiest configuration is the open version, without a back, for more of a challenge try making the optional back.
L: 6.5” x W: 5.60” x H: 5.72”
5-7 pages required
2 pink
2-4 green, 2 for the backless model, 4 for the backed
1 white
Take your time with the arch and underside/mouth area
when attaching the back, start at the bottom rim and work your way up the arch otherwise, you will run out of hand room.
Disclaimer: Metroid and its characters are copyright, trademarked and owned by Nintendo. Braden Lutz and this website are in no way affiliated with them.