It’s the Pokemon with the most possible evolutions, Eevee! It’s the first Pokemon you fight in Pokemon Yellow and star of its own game, Let’s Go Eevee! With its cute eyes, fluffy fur, and cheerful happy demeanor, it’s no wonder Eevee is such a fan favourite. It kind of makes you wonder why there’s almost always an NPC in every game that’s just giving Eevee away. Video game NPCs just don’t love Eevee as much I guess haha
This adorable model, done in a faceted low-poly style, is a delight to behold. Don’t be deceived by its cute playful appearance though, this model will likely challenge beginners and experts alike. This is mostly due to the furry sections that require quite a bit of finesse to assemble, even when the model is scaled up. Don’t let that deter you from accepting the challenge though. DO give it a try and add it to your papercraft collection!
Small Model
L: 4.75” x W: 4.61” x H: 4.30”
3 Pages required: *
1 Brown
1 Cream/Light brown
1 Red
Big Model
L: 9.50” x W: 9.22” x H: 8.60”
8 pages required: *
4 Brown
2 Cream/Light brown
2 Red
* Note: If you are using the PNG files these totals may be different. Refer to the “readme file” included with the PNGs to determine the required amount of pages.
Tweezers are a must if working on the small version and can be helpful for the big version.
Take your time when working on the fur and let the tabs dry as you attach them as it is very easy to pull one out of position if it’s not dry.
Be careful once the ears are attached as they stick out quite a bit and you can easily damage them while building the rest of the model.
When attaching the base, attach both feet to the base before gluing the beveled sections of the base together. This can prevent warping and deforming of the base.
Disclaimer: Pokémon and its characters are copyrighted, trademarked, and owned by The Pokémon Company and/or Nintendo. Braden Lutz and this website are in no way affiliated with either organization.