Probably one of the most iconic video game enemies of all time: the Goomba. These angry little mushroom-shaped bi-peds have been jumped and stomped on by Mario and Luigi countless times. Yet despite being easily defeated, they don’t give up and relentlessly pursue their goal of stopping those pesky plumbers.
When you think about it, that level of determination and dedication to their goal is really something to be admired. No matter how many times they fail, they keep trying. And hey, let’s be honest, they do succeed every now and then. I often wonder how often that world 1-1 Goomba gets people…
This papercraft model is actually fairly simple and straightforward to build. It actually only has 175 parts!
L: 8.00” x W: 7.83” x H: 8.76”
9 pages required
Take your time with the eyebrows. If not lined up properly they can end up very asymmetrical.
After the eyebrows are attached, be very careful when handling the model during construction.
Disclaimer: Super Mario Bros. and it’s characters are copyright, trademarked and owned by Nintendo. Braden Lutz and this website are in no way affiliated them.