A Plump Paper Pumpkin


Fall is right around the corner so I figured it was time I made one of my favourite things of the season - a pumpkin! Every year, one of my favourite things to do is carve pumpkins for Halloween. It’s something my sisters and I have been doing for about as long as I can remember and I don’t think there has been a year that we didn’t carve any.

For this model, I decided to return to the low-poly style that I used for the Kanto starters a while back. I did this because I felt it would make the pumpkin feel more organic despite being obviously artificial. After all, I don’t think I have ever seen a perfectly symmetrical pumpkin or even one that comes close. That’s also why I made it fairly lop-sided too.

During the build, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it went together actually, in the sense that I didn’t have to constantly check where each piece went as I was building it. You see when I first make the models I don’t have instructions, I make them once I am satisfied with the end result and that the assembly process is fairly smooth and not needlessly complex or difficult. Otherwise, I would spend a bunch of time making instructions that I’m just going to have to re-do ‘x’ number of times.

With this pumpkin though I didn’t really have any issues figuring out which piece went where. I think there were only two or three that gave me a little trouble but other than that it was fine. Maybe it was a fluke or maybe I’m getting better at “cutting them up” in ways that make sense. I’m probably not the best judge though and will leave that for you to decide.

As always, thanks for reading and happy crafting!

The Papercraftsman