

Bulbasaur, the first Pokémon in the Pokédex and the first subject I re-created in papercraft. I chose Bulbasaur to start with based on the facts that a). I like Pokémon and b). I figured the design and shape would be an adequate way of testing myself and my abilities - and it certainly was! 

Before starting this project I didn’t have that much experience modelling complex 3D objects.  Most of my prior experience involved creating objects not much more complicated than doughnuts so something very animal like was quite the learning experience.  There were a few hiccups here and there but in the end I am quite pleased with the results.

Despite my lack of 3D sculpting experience the hardest thing, believe it or not, was actually creating the assembly instructions for the models.  It is one thing to create a model for yourself and quite another to put it in a format that other people will be able to successfully interpret.  When it’s just for yourself you can cut corners and don’t need to display as much information simply because you already know it. Creating instructions though you have to pretend you don’t have all the files and haven’t spent hours fretting over every little detail because the person who needs the instructions hasn’t. It was a little daunting but I think what I settled on is at the very least a good place to start.

Anyway, thanks for reading and happy crafting!

The Papercraftsman